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AI Takes Center Stage: Sami’s Al Jazeera Interview Reveals Insights from Cannes

31 May, 2023

Artificial Intelligence is taking the center stage at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, transforming storytelling and production. Highlights include Harrison Ford’s AI-driven de-aging in the new Indiana Jones film and our AI-aided pitching event and services in production process as (feat. our client Daryl Tucker commenting his usage of AI tools).

For a glimpse into AI’s growing influence in cinema, check out the linked video by Al Jazeera Cannes Coverage!


AI is making waves at Cannes Film Festival! Sami, CEO of, shares fascinating insights in his interview with Al Jazeera about the impact of AI in film. From AI-driven de-aging to AI-aided pitching, discover the exciting possibilities in the linked video. Cannes is embracing the future of cinema with AI!