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8 September, 2023 is taking a big step into the American ad market. In October this year, our COO, Celine Udriot, and CEO, Sami Arpa will join the Innosuisse Internationalization Camp in New York, hosted by Swissnex.They’re eager to connect with potential clients, partners, and experts in the US. During their visit, Celine and Sami will showcase’s cutting-edge advertising platform and demonstrate how it’s set to revolutionize digital advertising in the US market.


The Big Apple, a strategic choice: why New York City, you ask? It’s more than just a city; it’s a global epicenter for business and innovation, especially in the advertising world. By making our mark here, we’re opening doors to endless possibilities and collaborations.’s journey into the US ad market is just beginning, so stay tuned for updates!

Exciting news! is gearing up for a big leap into the American market. In October this year, our COO, Celine Udriot, and CEO, Sami Arpa, will be jetting off to New York City for the Innosuisse Internationalization Camp.