Artificial Intelligence And The Movie Industry
Every Hollywood producer dreams of a world where all the choices that they make are the right ones.
Every Hollywood producer dreams of a world where all the choices that they make are the right ones.
We have pitched Largo at Business Concept alumni night. Largo’s journey started 2 years ago with the Business Concept training course at EPFL.
If you have not yet heard of big data analytics filmmaking then you are about to see into the future.
We continue getting invitations/selections for pitching Largo. Two great events that we have pitched recently are GoBeyond AI Night in Lausanne & Startup Days in Bern.
After being awarded by IMD’s startup competition for EMBA program, we had a first step of this in Lausanne.
According to a recent article in PR Newswire, the global big data analytics market is expected to grow at “a CAGR rate of 29.7% to $40.6 Billion by 2023”.
Largo was featured on Innovaud’s 2018 report. We are lucky to be a Canton Vaud start-up as Innovaud
Largo was invited to Cannes Film Festival to present Largo to the industry during Cannes Next program.
We have participated in AI Night having PechaKucha presentation format (20 slides x 20 seconds).
We have pitched Largo in Zurich and Lausanne to the business angels, who are the members of SICTIC.