Largo was Pitched by IMD EMBA Students

After being awarded by IMD’s startup competition for EMBA program, we had a first step of this in

Why It Is Time To Choose Largo For Your Big Data Moviemaking

According to a recent article in PR Newswire, the global big data analytics market is expected to

Featured on Innovaud’s 2018 report

Largo was featured on Innovaud’s 2018 report. We are lucky to be a Canton Vaud start-up as

Pitched at Cannes Film Festival

Largo was invited to Cannes Film Festival to present Largo to the industry during Cannes Next

Largo at HeK – PechaKucha AI Night

We have participated in AI Night having PechaKucha presentation format (20 slides x 20

SICTIC Events in Zurich and Lausanne

We have pitched Largo in Zurich and Lausanne to the business angels, who are the members of

Largo in Top 50 Startups to Invest

We are proud to be selected as one of the top 50 startups to invest in 2019. Considering dynamic

Largo organized 3rd edition of Ouchy Film Awards

Ouchy Film Awards (OFA) is a yearly awards competition, organized by Largo. The goal of OFA is to

Largo was in Hannover Messe

Largo participated in Hannover Messe as a part of EPFL delegation. We made a pitch at EPFL

Largo Correctly Predicted the Box Office 3 Months Before the Release

Advances in technology have always led to change. Whether it was the invention of the wheel, the

Largo at Swissnex Newyork

After a great 3 weeks camp in San Francisco, we had one extra week camp in Swissnex New York.

Largo Movie Gross Predictions And Our New SaaS Platform

The need for movie professionals to gain access to accurate movie gross predictions as well as