Largo was Selected as One of the Best Startups by Bilan!

After being selected in 2019 as one of the Best Startups, Largo was selected one more time as one

EFM Workshop: The Usage of AI in European Movies

We participated to European Film Market – EFM with a major workshop on the usage of AI in

Who Should be the Director of Your Next Movie According to AI?

Picking the best movie professionals for your latest project is an art that takes years to master.

Our CEO Wrote for the Makers: How AI will Change the Industry!

Artificial intelligence solutions can help improve the quality and diversity of films and aid the on RTS Radio

Ilaria from our team was a guest on RTS to speak about

Upcoming Developments in AI-assisted Moviemaking

The world of technology moves fast. Within technology, the field of artificial intelligence is

Is AI the Answer to Hollywood’s Dominance of the European Box Office?

Take a look at the graph below which shows the figures behind Hollywood’s dominance of the

Celebrating a Successful 2020

Despite the challenges that were brought by Covid-19, 2020 was a year to overcome many challenges was Nominated for the Production Tech Innovation of the Year was nominated for the Production Tech Innovation of the Year by the Makers and Shakers to Launch on Samsung TV Plus Across Europe

We announce our partnership with Samsung TV to launch a F.A.S.T version of on Samsung TV Analysed the Cast of Netflix Original: the Crown

Our analysis on the cast of the Crown before the release of new season on Netflix got a great